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Visiting the Howlers

Updated: Jan 4, 2023

In 2015 I found a magical book written by Pierce Brown, called Red Rising. In 2016, when the third in the series, Morning Star, was released, I discovered the fandom called the Howlers. I also discovered, that this meant I had many couches across the United States I could sleep on.

Author Pierce Brown congratulating me on making friends with all his fans.

Or more likely because I brought him pixie sticks to the signing.

I want to make it clear that I did not befriend that strangers on the internet with the purpose of sleeping on their couches. We became friends because of our love of a book series, and many other things in common. We bonded over the misfits that the fictional howlers were, and how we were misfits ourselves. We talked constantly on twitter, and soon enough in direct messages. Those mysterious people on the internet quickly became my closest friends, even though we were dotted throughout North America.

The first chance I got to visit a howler was a weekend when I found myself headed to Boston. I wasn't quite at the stage of trusting people enough to go to their homes, so I stayed in a hostel and met up with Carrie. The hostel was absolutely terrible, but Carrie and I hit it off immediately. It was like seeing an old friend. She showed me the sites, took me to museums, and we drank our way down the freedom trail. It was phenomenal to know that the trust I had put in the howler fanbase was real. This was a true friend group.

After that I visited Shantel in California. This time I really did sleep on her couch. I threw myself into the adventure, against everything they teach you in school about internet safety. She drove me around the city, taking me to all the coolest hangouts. The first night we went to a 90's prom themed screening of 10 Things I Hate About you! I could live out my dream of being 26 and drinking in LA, even though no American understands this reference.

In the same year, I met Noelle in Chicago. This time was a very last minute decision and I opted for a hotel. We met in a small bar, who knows where in Chicago. She brought a friend who also had read the series, and we talked the night away. Only 2 short months later I was sleeping on her couch. This time so could go see Pierce Brown at a signing for his latest book, Iron Gold. That night the bookstore we were at held a contest for Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2) tickets. It was fate that Pierce drew Noelle's name and then immediately said "no, not them" when he saw our excitement. Noelle already had a ticket, and gave the free one to me. I returned to Chicago for the 3rd time in 6 months.

C2E2 became a yearly tradition for Noelle and I as we headed back the following year and the year after. Dressing up, nerding out, and getting pictures with the likes of John Barrowman. In 2019 we also made our way to Phoenix Fan Fusion. We picked Shantel up in California and made it a girls weekend. Sharing an airbnb, we stayed up late talking. As if we knew each other our whole lives. It was so easy to talk about the things we loved, our struggles, and everything under the sun.

2019 also brought another Pierce Brown book, Dark Age. I road tripped to Washington DC for a signing. This tradition of road tripping to see Howlers had become one of my favourites, and Carrie met me there. It was a new city to explore. I was there a few days before Carrie so I took in the museums and wandered the historic buildings. That trip also took me back to Boston, so I could drop Carrie off. I wandered that city alone as well, making friends in breweries and checking out the museums. Since that road trip, I've been back to Chicago twice, and Noelle has visited me at home as well. She came up for Toronto Fan-Expo. We have such a routine when it comes to Comic-Cons that we barely have to plan, with the exception of our cosplays.

In all of these situations I used my travel mentality of going with the flow. I would google what was around, rely on the howlers who lived there, or ask the locals. Many of these trips were short ones, where I didn't get to see many things. However, I've never been disappointed. I've loved every minute I was on them, and each typically ended with us planning the next. I have seen so many more things than I would ever imagine, and have created a tightknit group of friends.

I'm not condoning the idea of meeting up with people on the internet. I understand how absolutely terrible this could have gone. I often make jokes about how they're going to kill me; how I'm easy to stalk but hard to kidnap because I post on social media so much. I know that pushing the idea of making these friends is dangerous. However, I can't ignore the fact that it has worked out for me. I have three couches standing by ready for me to visit anytime I wish, and other howlers waiting in the wings if I was to need them.

This coming March I'll be flying back to LA, visiting Shantel and a few other California based howlers. Then we'll take the train to Seattle, for Emerald City Comic Con. There I'll meet up with even more people crazy as I am, and we'll explore the city. I don't know what we'll see and I'm sure the weather will be terrible. However, I'll just be happy to be along for the ride, and seeing my favourite fandom.

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