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Let's Adventure Together But Alone??

All the past adventures eventually lead me to starting the vlog. It was 2021, I hadn't really travelled since Chicago in March of 2020, and I needed to get back to what I loved. I needed back into society, I needed to try new things, and I needed to see the world. The problem was that there were still travel restrictions.

I was lucky enough to travel within Canada, to British Columbia, in July of 2021. I swear walking onto that airplane was like returning home. I could have cried, I was so happy to be leaving my province. It was a short trip, but well packed as my friends who lived in Kelowna BC kept me busy. We went to wineries, breweries, hiking, book shopping, floating down a river and so much more. It was all these small trips that made me realize that back home I had many places I could visit as well. Not all travel had to be big.

On the Myra Canyon trestles. I very much loved that journey for me.

Upon returning home I started scheming. What could I do that would get me out of the depression I had been feeling, and worked within travel restrictions. My vlog was created. It started with the idea of adrenaline rushes. I would drive fast cars, sky dive, zip line, and anything to feel alive again. It eventually morphed into what we see today, me taking each adventure as I can find it.

At first I struggled with the idea of doing this alone. I sometimes invite people, but I didn't have to rely on others to be around, or wanting to do a specific thing. I had been okay sitting alone in restaurants when in a foreign country, but I still felt strange doing it here. I really had to wrap my head around how no one knows or cares what you are doing. They do not know if you're local or international. Most people will pay you no attention.

I have actually discovered that on most of my adventures, a lot of people are on them alone. I see lone hikers all the time. When I drove the fast cars, three of us were "singles". The amount of people I see camping alone I would never have guessed. It has built me with the mindset that sitting in a brewery alone only looks weird if you make it weird.

One of my favourite experiences, was a brewery in Kawartha Lakes. The seating arrangement was very long tables that multiple parties sit at. I was sat squared in the middle, 6 people on each side of me. The group next to me clearly worked in the beer industry. I ease dropped for a while before waiting for a lull and stating "You guys, clearly know your beer. Any suggestions on what I should order next?" They gave me a full flight to drink, and also told me what breweries to stop off on my way home. One of the men was actually a brewery owner. It was fabulous, and wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been sitting with my thoughts alone.

You can watch the outcome of that trip here:

The entire trip was one of changing plans, checking what is nearby, adapting, and being comfortable traveling alone. Almost nothing I did went according to plan, and in the end it was for the best. It is also one of the trips where I stayed overnight by myself but let's save that for next week.

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